Friday, February 23, 2007

Friday, knitting, scrapbooking

Hi guys,
Yesterday afternoon we went to a fair in Brussels. It's called ' Batibouw' and it's about everything that is needed to built a house. We visited 3 halls as we weren't interested in the other 9 halls. Yeah, you are right, there were 12 halls!! The things that we were interested in were bathrooms, kitchens and tiles. We saw lots of kitchens but I didn't like most of them. They were all very modern and that's not the style I want. There were red and even green kitchens. Not pale green but really, really, flashing green. Yikes!!! Who would like that in his house??? This is the style of kitchens that I like (you can find the pics on top)
I guess this is English country style.

When we came home we went out for dinner. It was a real attack to my diet. First I had carpaccio of beaf with parmesan cheese. As main dish I ate a salad with warm camembert cheese. All very yummie!!! But lots of calories I guess. So today is back to diet, haha.

I went to the library on Wednesday and found a really cool book about knitting. It's called 'Stitch 'n bitch'. I wanted to start knitting so this is the perfect book. In the book they explain all the diffrent knitting ways and there are some things that you can make. I want to make a poncho but the one in the book si way to difficult for a first time knitter as I am. So I browsed the net and found a cool website about knitting. There I found a discription of another poncho and I really like it. I went to the knitting shop yesterday and bought some blue yarn. I want to start knitting today. I'll let you know how it all works out. Cross your fingers for me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Isolde,

That sounds like a good fair you went to! In the future James and I need to start looking for a kitchen too, but we're not there yet :)

I've started a few months ago too. It wasn't completely new to me, as I had knitted when I was little, but I did have to learn a few things all over again :) I've knitted a scarf for the first time and now I'm going to work on a sweater with a very basic pattern. Can you post the link to the website you found? I'm very curious!

Talk to you later!

Ilse M