Monday, April 19, 2010

New Challenge at SSS

This week we have a fabulous sponsor, Gauche Alchemy! Know if you haven't seen there kits you really need to go check them out. They put together fun kits with all sorts of goodies in them, from little toys to book pages and anything else you can probably think of. So head over to the Gauche Alchemy store. They also post some cool tutorials and such on their blog.

Someone will win a Wholey Sheet kit. This photo is just some of what comes in it.
The challenge this week is to use a non-traditional scrap item on your pages. Which basicly means anything that you didn't buy in the scrap It can be aluminum foil, coffee filter, tissue paper, wall paper, tree bark, anything at all. As long as it isn't something that you would normally use on a page. It can be a little or alot . What can your imagination come up with? Now if you are worried about things not being acid free you can use archival spray or don't let it touch your pictures. I know this will be more of a challenge for some than others, but that's what it is all about right?
And remember your layout must contain at least one stamp.
Gauche Alchemy sent the design team some goodies to play with as well. Please take a moment and check out every ones layouts.


Viv said...

Leuke LO!! Gaaf gedaan met de spray ink op de boekpagina :)

Mika said...

Cool zeg die spray ink. Mika (