On Monday I saw that one of those little brown spots on my body (don't know the name in English) was bigger and it was bleeding a bit. I was so worried that I phoned my doctor and I had to go and see him in the evening. He told me that it had to be removed and send to the lab for examination. Today, the doctor removed it. I was so nervous that I got dizzy during the little surgery. I had to lay down with my feet up till I was feeling better.
Right now, the anestetics are not working anymore and it's getting sore. Still feel a bit dizzy too ...
I hope the result will be good.
Hey Isolde,
Ik ken je gevoel, heb vandaag een wijsheidstand moeten laten trekken...
'k Hoop dat je niet teveel pijn hebt en wat kan genieten van dit zaaaaaaaaaaalig weertje.
groetjes, vliene
Da's toch even schrikken zeg. Sterkte hoor!
My dear friend, I'd be scared too, I guess it's normal, even my mum did it and the result was good, so try to stay calm until you can told to the doctor again, I cross my fingers for you ;)
In a couple of weeks I'll have the breast scan because the gyne told me I have fibrous breasts, so she suggested that examination to reassure me that it's normal in young women, I have such a fear!!
Please let me know about the result, in the meanwhile I send you a big hug and tons of kisses, ciao!!!!
Oei gets, dat is niet zo mooi. Enne ik ben ook niet zo'n held als het op ziekenhuizen aankomt hoor...
Paper&pictures is in Doorn. Het is voor mij al 1.15u rijden... en dan woon ik al tegen de Belgische grens aan. Het zal voor jou dus nog een stuk langer rijden zijn vrees ik!
beterschap met je arm!
OH my dear I really hope there is nothing special.
I keep my finger crossed for you
much love xxxxxxxxxxx
Beterschap Isolde!!! Mika
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