A - Available or single: I have a wonderful boyfriend Eric since 3 years now
B - Best friend: Here in Belgium: Isabel and Tine, International friends: Tamara, Desi, Kaori, ...
C - Cake or pie: Cake
D - Drink of choice: White wine, diet coke
E - Essential item you use everyday: My computer
F - Favorite color: Blue
G- Gummy bears or worms: Gummy bears
H- Hometown: Ieper in Belgium
I- Indulgence: chips
J - January or February: Hmmm, don't like both
K - Kids & names: No kids yet
L- Life is incomplete without? My boyfriend, friends, family, ...
M- Marriage date: Not married
N- Number of siblings: A younger sister, Goedele
O- Oranges or apples: Red Oranges
P- Phobias or fears: Spiders….
Q- Fave quote: Even when it's cold outside, our memories keep us warm
R - Reasons to smile: A beautiful, sunny day
S - Season: Summer
T - Tag 3 or 4 people: Dawn, Adrienne, Vanilla
U - Unknown fact about me: Stays a secret
V- Vegetable you don’t like: spinach
W - Worst habit: Hmmm, don't know. Maybe I'm impatient
.X - Xrays: yes, my left knee and my back
Z Zodiac sign: virgin
Hmmm, where did the letter Y go????